About Me

Software Developer

I'm a software developer with experience creating apps using Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, and Flutter. I have a passion for solving problems, squashing bugs, and creating awesome applications.


Here are a few projects I have created that exhibit my skill as a developer.




Constructibles is a clone of Instructables.com. It was built with a Ruby on Rails backend and a React-Redux front-end. It utilizes nested attributes to simultaneously create Projects and their dependant Steps. Integrates AWS cloud storage for image uploads and hosting.



Mazer is a browser game in which the player creates a maze for the AI to navigate. The goal is to create the longest path possible. It was created using JavaScript, HTML5 canvas and EaselJS. The AI utilizes an implementation of breadth-first search for pathfinding.




Chess.rb is a terminal based chess game. It was built with Ruby and utilizes modules and inheritance to keep code DRY. The AI uses a minimax algorithm to evaluate multiple turns ahead and determine the move to make.

My Skills

  • Ruby

  • JavaScript

  • Dart

  • React

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Flutter

  • AWS

  • PostgreSQL

Contact Me

If you would like to put my skills to work for you please feel free to contact me at bill@billwiegert.com.